Move to Texas

Just a lil update on our move to TX. As you may or may not know, Tony has been offered quite a job with his company, but the catch is that it is located in Houston, TX. By taking this job, it opens several doors for advancement within the company in the near future. It was a long time coming, & it is finally here. Our house here in PA is being put on the market this week, & Tony & I will be going to Houston to house hunt next week. We have 4 days to find the house of our dreams! I will keep you posted on that as well.

With that being said, all of my scrappy supplies are packed up & in storage (boo hoo!!), because you know how cluttered & messy our scrappy areas can get! Our sitting room needs to be staged as a sitting room, not as a hoarding scrappers room. lol. All of the post that you will see on my blog in September, October, November that are crafty related have been created previously & scheduled to be posted. All of my DT duties are on hold until we are settled in our new house.

Along with prepping our house to go on the market, school & preschool has started, soccer is in full swing, & dance starts this week. Let's just say that the past several months have been a big blurr for me. I have major insomnia, headaches all the time, & the tears flow freely quite often. There are only so many excuses to tell the girls why I am crying AGAIN! They have been troopers through all of this. They know that we are moving, & are excited to get a new house, but they don't grasp the concept of us moving across the country. What do you expect at ages 4 & 6.

Ok, friends. I just wanted to give you an update on what is happening here. & again, all my crafty posts have been created previously & my posts have been pre-scheduled. I hope you are all doing well. I feel very disconnected from the outside world. I promise to be more communicative once settled in the new digs.

Take care & have a fantastic day!


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